How Online Banking Can Help You Budget Better

March 2024girl logging into mobile banking on her cell phone

With easy-to-access data, convenient automatic transfers, and a variety of ways to organize your money, online banking can revolutionize the way you budget. Here’s a look at a few easy tips to help you budget better with the power of technology.

Set up sub-accounts

Even if you’re putting money away in a savings account, it can be difficult to visualize how you’ve earmarked your money. You can change all that by setting up a few sub-accounts, each labeled with a savings goal. When you put your money in sub-accounts, you can easily see how your vacation fund is faring in comparison to your future home’s down payment fund. Forbes contributor Emily Guy Birken explains that you may be more motivated to save — and less tempted to withdraw your funds for an impulse purchase — if you can clearly see how your savings are allocated.

Make expense tracking easy

When you’re making a budget, it can be tedious to gather all of your bills and receipts to figure out how much you’re spending each month. Online banking puts your transactions at your fingertips, so it’s easy to see how much money you’re putting toward different expense categories. Bankrate contributor Rene Bennett states that you can even link a third-party budgeting app, like Mint, for a clearer picture of your finances. With no-hassle access to data on your spending habits, you’ll have a better idea of where you can trim excess expenses.

Stash away money with automatic transfers

If you have trouble remembering to put away part of your paycheck into your savings, automatic transfers can help you reach your financial goals. With the power of online banking, you can set up automated transfers to move money into your savings account on a routine basis. You can even set the transfer to occur on the same day that you get your paycheck. This can help you save money without having to manually transfer funds ever time, or to prevent you from accidentally overdrawing your account.

Pay your bills through online banking

If you’re looking to track your spending and improve your credit score, consider using Online Bill Pay. To get started, you’ll need some information on the bill you’re paying, such as your account number and the address of the entity you’re paying. Once you’ve got your payment information set up, you can choose between one-time payments for fluctuating expenses (like your electric bill) and recurring charges (such as a car payment that’s the same amount every month).

Stay aware of your money with low balance alerts

With debit cards, online shopping, and person-to-person payments, it’s easy to drain your account. To prevent yourself from racking up overdraft fees, Birken suggests signing up for low balance alerts. With this feature, the bank can let you know when your balance goes below a specified amount. You can choose between emails, texts, and push notifications, so you can receive real-time alerts in a manner that best suits your lifestyle. To set up these notifications, log into VaultLink Online Banking or your Mobile Banking app and look for “Alerts.” You can learn more about Waukesha State Bank’s account alerts at

Need help getting your alerts, accounts, or automatic payments set up? Contact us today for guidance on getting the most out of your online banking experience.