Meet Our Commercial Bankers
With over 300 years of collective experience, our commercial banking team has wide and diverse industry expertise and is empowered to help your business grow. We make it our business to know your business. With a one-on-one, personalized approach to banking, we take the time to learn about you and your business – to know your goals, your dreams and your vision. Contact any of our commercial bankers today!
Angela Mierzwinski
Assistant Vice President
Treasury Management Specialist
(262) 549-8553
Avelina Poppert
Vice President
Commercial Banking Team Lead
(262) 953-5716
Rachel Priddy
Assistant Vice President
Commercial Banking Officer
(262) 549-8541
Keith Van De Laarschot
Vice President
Commercial Business Development Officer
(262) 549-8595

Payroll Made Easy
Focus on running your business and leave the payroll services to us!